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A surprising number of ways exist for producing direct current....

here is the first one....

CHEMICAL GENERATORS- Electrolytes are chemical solutions that contain many ions..

for eg.. dissolve table salt in water and the salt will break down into positive sodium ions and negative chlorine ions..

If two dissimilar metal plates are immersed in the salt solution, the positive ions will migrate toward one plate and the negative ions will migrate towards the other..

(LED is placed on a silver coin)

if the two plates are connected togather by a conductor, a current will flow through the solution ( as ions) and through the conductor (as electrons).

This kind of generator is called a wet cell.Cells in which the electrolyte is absorbed by paper or formed into a paste are called dry cells.

Some chemical generators are shown in pictures above...

Connect two or more cells in series to form a battery with total voltage equal to sum of cell voltages..

hope u guys liked it..more lessons to come in future...

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